

參與預算制度의 行動科學的 硏究


A Study on Behavioral Science Approach of Budgetary Participation

참여예산제도의 행동과학적 연구


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper reports approach of behavioral science about budgetary participation. Accounting systems are frequently noisy sources of information for the budgetary participation of the enterprise. Budgetary participation theory provides the theoretical framework for specifying and estimating behavioral accounting. It es hypothesized that motivation mediates the effect of participation on performance. Participation is found to be significantly positively related ; however, the path between them through behavioral accounting explains very little of this, principally because participation`s relationship with behavioral accounting is insignificant. The correlations between participation and behavioral science in the accounting model show a positive relationship with the expectancies, counteracted by a negative relationship with the intrinsic valences. The results of a principal-agent analysis indicate that, in some cases, participation designed to communicate the agent`s private information has no economic value even though the principal is willing to pay nonzero amounts to observe that information. Budgetary participation has been the most widely studied personality variable in management accounting research. One important line of research has been the role of behavioral approach as a moderating variable in studies which examine the effectiveness of budgetary participation. In this paper it is argued that the lack of consensus in this research may be a consequence of examining the personality of only one member of the group involved in the participative process, usually the subordinate.


I. 序論
  1. 問題의 提起
  2. 硏究方法및 範圍
 II. 參與豫算의 理論的 背景
  1. 參與豫算의 本質
  2. 參與豫算의 有用性
 III.  參與豫算의 行動科學的 接近方法
  1. 行動科學的 接近方法의 特徵
  2. 行動科學的 接近方法의 硏究事例
 IV. 行動科學的 接近方法의 適用모델
  1. Brownell의 모델
  2. 動機嚴與 機能에 의한 모델
 V. 結論


  • 金鐵泳 김철영. 昌原大學校 社會科學大學 副敎授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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