

온라인 관광기업 사이트의 지각된 개인화서비스, 유용성, 플로우, 인터넷접점만족도에 관한 연구


Study on Their Perceived Personalization, Usefulness, Flow, Internet Service Encounter Satisfaction of Online Travel Company Web Site

우경진, 이문주

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Development of digital technology and the internet has created new ways to contact customers for tourism industry. Many internet-based e-Tourism web sites(Online travel Company Web site) offer a great deal of information, which consequently brought a huge change to tourism industry as a whole. Companies that utilize such e-Tourism web sites include airlines, travel agencies, hotels, and theme parks. In addition to e-Tourism web sites, many other web sites such as portal sites, cyber shopping mall, and municipal web pages offer various routes to travel products. The most important factor on these tourism web sites is credibility. Trust and credibility are what make customers purchase products when it comes to online shopping. In other words, establishing trust and credibility bears the foremost importance in creating tourism web sites. Many internet web sites have been offering customized service to obtain customer loyalty. The question then lies in whether these customized services can actually build customer loyalty and whether a firm’s investment in such customized service can be justified in the long run. In order to find the answer to these questions, the mechanism in which customized service lead to customer loyalty should be understood. Internet service in tourism web sites have conducted study on usefulness of customization, relationship between customized service and customer satisfaction, and information technology behind customized services. However, an overall understanding of how customized services affect customer loyalty is necessary. Consequently, this study focuses on recognizing the importance of ISES (Internet Service Encounter Satisfaction) and the relations between customized service and customer loyalty. To achieve this goal, determining factors in ISES due to customized services in tourism web site were first examined. Secondly, change in ISES due to customized services offered in various tourism web sites was examined. Thirdly, relation among customer loyalty and user-perceived usefulness of such web sites, and flow were analyzed. Through these analysis, this study aims to offer internet business strategy by understanding consumer behavior in electronic commerce market.


여행상품은 이미 온라인을 통한 주요 거래품목의 하나로 인식되고 있고, 인터넷 이용의 확산과 디지털 기술의 발전 등은 여행상품의 온라인 거래를 더욱 촉진시키고 있다. 미국의 경우 인터넷을 통한 온라인 거래의 약 40%를 여행상품이 차지할 정도로 여행상품의 유통에서 인터넷이 차지하는 비중은 높게 나타나고 있으며, 세계적으로도 인터넷을 이용한 여행상품의 구매는 증가하고 있는 현황이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 국내의 관광기업 사이트의 단순한 여행정보의 제공 또는 예약의 수준을 넘어 개인화서비스라는 새로운 개념의 서비스제공방식을 통한 고객만족과 서비스질의 향상을 꾀하고 있는 현황을 관찰하여, 국내 온라인 관광기업 사이트를 대상으로 이용자의 지각된 개인화서비스, 유용성, 플로우, 인터넷접점만족 간의 관련성을 살펴보아 특정 서비스제공방식의 온라인 고객들에 대한 효과를 실증적으로 검증하였다


국문 요약
 I. 서론
 II. 이론적 배경
  2.1 관광 웹 사이트( e-Tourism web site)의개념 및 개인화서비스
  2.2 웹 사이트 정보의 유용성 및 킴퓨터 매개환경에서의 플로우
  2.3 인터넷 서비스 인터넷접점만족도(lSES: internet services encounter satisfaction)및 고객충성도
 III. 연구방법
  3.1 연구 모형
  3.2 측정항목의 타당성 및 신뢰성
 IV. 실증분석
  4.1 측정모형의 타당성-확인적 요인분석
  4.2 연구모형의 적합도 검정
  4.3 연구가설 검증
 V. 결론


  • 우경진 Woo, Kyung Jin. 수원대 조교수
  • 이문주 Lee, Moon- ju. 농촌진흥청 국제협력과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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