

우리나라 노사관계의 시대별 변화에 관한 연구 - 1940년대에서 2000년대까지의 노동운동을 중심으로 -


The Historical Study on Korea Labor - Management Relations from 1940’s to 2000’s -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Although Korea’s labor-management relations formed in 1910 after the Japanese annexation of the colonial relationship with the influences from Japan, the legal significance of the labor-management relations established since the formation of the four Labor Relations Act, enacted in March 1953 (Labor Union Act, Labor Dispute Adjustment Act, Labor Relations Commission Act, Labor Standard Act), and establishment of Korean National Trade Union Federation in 1954. The wage and working conditions were very inferior in 1950s and 1960s. In 1970s, so-called Yushin era, the condition did not improved. Through the momentum of Declaration of June 29, 1987, workers' rights improved. and reasonable labor-management relations started through the changes in government and thereafter amendment of the progressive labor relations law. Then in the beginning and middle of 1990s, economy was booming and labor movement was active and this leads to the establishment of Korean Confederation of Trade Unions established in 1995, From that time, the senior group multiple unions (Federation of Korea Trade Unions, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions) has been recognized. Thereafter financial crisis in 1997 as a labor-management relations are shrinking then from the era of 2000s, the issue between management and labor moved from wage negotiation to the collective bargaining agreement and non-regular employment and those challenges have been going on so far. This study specifies the major changes accompanied by the highlights of political and social history in South Korea, especially the amendments of labor-management relations law in chronological order. It also describes several labor movements which created a stir in South Korean society. The most of eastern and western labor movements has begun with labor workers' light to live throughout times and history. Nowadays, however, labor movements tend to focus on ameliorating working conditions to enhance the quality of the life of workers rather than demanding higher wages only for survival. Particularly, Declaration of June 29, 1987, which generated marked political changes in South Korea, shifted labor-management relations from government-enterprise-oriented to worker-oriented. In the past 10 years from 1998 to 2008, there were a lot of policy improvement and the revisions of the law of labor-management relations, which brought about amelioration of worker’s rights and interests. It is a remarkable change in 21c that labor movements, which were mainly struggling, has shown tendency to aim coexistence. The methodology of this research is to identify the changes of labor-management relations in about 60 years from 1945 to 2008 and to analyze of any problems concerned with the cases of labor disputes and labor-related statistics. The purpose of this research is how to develop a momentum of mutually cooperative relationship between labor and management through finding the common denominator of our labor relations, and minimizing the cost of social opportunity loss.


우리나라의 노사관계는 1910년 한일합방 이후 일본의 영향을 받아 식민지적 관계로부터 형성되었지만 합법적 의미의 노사관계는 1953년 3월에 제정된 노동관계 4법(노동조합법 노동쟁의조정법 노동위원회법 근로기준법)과 1954년 4월 대한노총이 설립된 이후로 볼 수 있다. 역대 정부의 변화에 따라 관련법들이 점진적으로 개정되면서 합리적인 노사관계가 시작되는데 임금과 근로조건이 매우 열악했던 50년대와 60년대, 그리고 유신시대로 대변되는 70년대를 거쳐 민주화의 물결로 진정한 노동자들의 권익을 확보한 1987년 6.29선언을 계기로 현대적 의미의 노사관계가 자리매김하기 시작하였다. 그 후 1990년대 초, 중반의 경제호황과 함께 노조활동이 활성화되고 1995년 민주노총이 설립되면서 상급단체의 복수노조(한국노총, 민주노총)가 인정된다. 그 후 1997년 IMF의 한파로 노사관계가 위축되었다가 2000년대로 넘어오면서 노사관계의 주요 이슈가 종전의 임금위주에서 단체협약과 비정규직 문제로 핵심이 바뀌며 현재까지 이르게 되었다. 이에 본 연구에서는 1945년에서 2008년까지 약 60년에 이르는 세월 속에 많은 풍화작용을 거듭하면서 이어져 온 우리나라의 노사관계가 어떻게 변화되어 왔으며 어떠한 문제점을 안고 있는지에 대하여 노동관련 통계와 노사분규 사례를 통해 분석해 보고자 한다. 그리하여 우리나라 노사관계의 공통분모를 찾아 사회적 기회손실 비용을 최소화 하고 상생의 협력적 노사관계로 발전하는 계기가 되도록 기여코자 하는데 그 의의가 있다.


국문 요약
 I. 서론
  1.1 연구의 목적
  1.2 연구내용 및 방법
  1.3 기대효과
 II. 연대별 주요 사건과 노동운동의 흐름
  2.1 1940년대 (1945-1950)
  2.2 1950년대 (1951-1960)
  2.3 1960년대 (1961-1970 )
  2.4 1970년대 (1971-1980 )
  2.5 1980년대 (1981-1990)
  2.6 1990년대 (1991-2000)
  2.7 2000년대 (2001-2008)
 III. 시대별 노사관계의 특징
  3.1 노사분규 원인
  3.2 노사관계 특징
 IV. 향후 노사관계의 전망
  4.1 경제위기에 따른 고용불안 문제
  4.2 비정규직 계약종료와 근로조건문제
  4.3 단위기업 복수노조, 전입자 임금지급 문제
  4.4 강성노조 퇴조, 제3노총 출현 예상


  • 김승묵 Kim, Seung-Mook. 경주대학교 경영학부 교수


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