

Super DEA에 의한 광고비의 효율성 측정


Measuring Advertising Efficiency by Super DEA

한동여, 최성용

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Parametric approach or non-parametric approach is used to measure the efficiency of decision making units. The two approaches have advantages and disadvantages. One disadvantage of parametric approach is to measure the efficiency by comparing a decision making unit to an average rather than comparing to best decision making units. Moreover, the parametric model has to assume about the production function, and requires the price information about inputs and outputs. Data envelopment analysis does not require the assumption about the production function and the price information. Data envelopment analysis is to measure the efficiency by comparing a decision making unit to best decision making units similar to it. Therefore, data envelopment analysis provides inefficient decision making units with benchmarking decision making units. Another advantage of data envelopment analysis is to handle for multiple outputs as well as zero output. But the data envelopment analysis model is extremely sensitive to the outliers. Data Envelopment Analysis which is non-parametric approach is a useful tool to analyze the relative efficiency of decision making units characterized by multiple inputs and multiple outputs. From the DEA results, it is impossible to differentiate their performance among the efficient decision making units. Super data envelopment analysis can provide super efficiency scores for all efficient decision making units. Therefore, we can rank the efficient decision making units. The super efficiency of decision making unit under consideration is estimated by excluding the constraints from traditional DEA model. Data envelopment analysis has been popularly used as an analytical tool in order to evaluate relative performance of decision making units. The results of Data envelopment analysis model provide decision makers with a single efficiency score, efficient frontier, return to scale, benchmarking decision making units for inefficient decision making units, etc. The purpose of this paper is to estimate advertising efficiency for the food and beverage companies in 2008 by super data envelopment analysis. Four items such as TV advertising expenditures, radio advertising expenditures, newspaper advertising expenditures, and magazine advertising expenditures are selected as inputs, and sales are treated as outputs for data envelopment analysis model. Super DEA model based on the input-output shows that 4 decision making units(DMU 2, DMU 5, DMU 6, DMU 10) are efficient out of 10 companies. The super DEA scores for DMU 2, DMU 5, and DMU 10 are 1.7073, 5.0898, 2.5814 and 1.4232 respectively. The results indicate that DMU 5(5.0898) is the most efficient. The score of 5.0898 means that DMU 5 can maintain 100% efficient even if DMU 5 increase inputs about 400%(5.0898-1). Furthermore, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency are estimated for all DMUs. Constant return to DEA model shows that all inefficient decision making units should decrease their advertising expenditures in order to be efficient. In addition, we calculate the economies of scale such as increasing return to scale, decreasing return to scale, and constant return to scale for all decision making units from CRS DEA model. Based on the analysis of the economies of scale, this study recommends that decision making units with increasing return to scale can increase outputs by increasing advertising expenditures because decrease in advertising expenditures may not be possible due to various reasons in the real situation. Our analysis shows that 4 DMUs are under constant return to scale, 5 DMUs under increasing return to scale, and 1 DMU under decreasing return to scale, Decision making units under constant return to scale is now efficient by increasing output since the output will increase equally with the increase in advertising expenditures. 5 decision making units under increasing return to scale indicate that its efficiency can be improved by increasing advertising expenditures since sales will increase more proportionally with the increase in advertising expenditures. Decision making unit under decreasing return to scale should reduce advertising expenditures if possible since sales increase less proportionally with the increase in advertising expenditures.


본 연구는 Super DEA기법에 의하여 2008년도 우리나라 식, 음료관련 기업의 광고 효율성을 측정하였다. 투입요소로는 TV광고비, 라디오광고비, 신문광고비, 잡지광고비로 하고 산출물은 매출로 하였다. 여기에서는 비효율적 DMU의 벤치마킹 대상 DMU와 과다 투입된 투입요소의 크기, 규모의 경제분석 결과 및 효율적 DMU들 간에 순위비교가 가능하도록 정보를 제공하였다. 본 연구에서는 비효율적 DMU가 효율적이 되기 위해서는 광고비를 축소해야 한다는 것을 보여주었지만, 동시에 비효율적인 DMU들은 상당수가 IRS에 있음을 확인하였다. 비효율적인 광고주가 광고비를 축소하여 효율적이 될 수도 있지만 상당수의 DMU들이 규모수익 증가에 있기 때문에 광고비를 축소하기 보다는 광고비를 증가시키거나 기존의 광고비 비율을 유지하면서 광고효율성을 제고할 수 있음을 발견하였다.


국문 요약
 I. 서론
 II. DEA모형과 선행연구의 고찰
 III. DEA의 투입요소와 산출물
 IV. DEA모형의 결과
 V. 결론


  • 한동여 Han, Dong-Yeo. 숙명여자대학교 경영학부 강사
  • 최성용 Choi, Sung-Yong. 서울여자대학교 경영학과 명예교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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