

사회적 자본구축의 경제적 효과분석 : 노사관계를 중심으로


The Economic Effects of Constructing Social Capital : Focused on the Industrial Relations


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study introduces a model which creates future value and increases nation's competitiveness by constructing social capital system. The necessary condition for constructing social capital system is a good relationship between workers and employees. The definition of social capital can be different from each other. This study treats trust between workers and employees in a firm as social capital. In order to construct social capital between workers and employees, workers and employees should concern the way how to share information together. Moreover, they have to store and manage human resources for creating a future value. The purpose of this study is to analyze the economic effects of constructing social capital. In order to investigate the economic effects of social capital, this study introduces five equations: TRUST, TURNOVER, STRIKE, PRODUCTIVITY, and SALES equations. The estimated coefficients from each equation, we can find out the economic effects of constructing social capital on dependent variables such as trust between workers and employees, rate of labor-turnover, number of strike, productivity, and total volume of sales. This study introduces various independent variables based upon the empirical models from previous studies. Traditionally, most of previous studies concern industrial relations variables, demographic variables(gender and average age), and human capital variables(average years of schooling, average years of experience, and average years of work in a current job) as an independent variables. For the empirical analysis of this study, ‘Firm's Panel Data’ is strongly suggested. This panel data provides many useful information for dependent and independent variables utilized in this study. Finally, this study suggests the policy implications according to the empirical results of this study.


본 연구는 사회적 자본 구축 시스템을 통해 노사간의 화합적인 문화를 형성하고 미래가치와 국가 경쟁력을 향상시키기 위한 모형을 제안하고 있다. 사회적 자본 구축 시스템이란 경제의 각 주체인 노동자와 사용자, 그리고 정부가 지식과 정보를 공유하여 저장함으로써 신뢰를 축적하고, 이를 토대로 사회적 자본(social capital)을 형성하여 인적자원을 개발하고 관리함으로써 미래의 가치를 창출하고 궁극적으로 국가경쟁력을 확보하는 체계를 의미한다. 본 연구는 사회적 자본 구축 시스템의 평가를 위한 모형과 방법론을 제시하고 이를 토대로 경제적 효과를 분석하는 한편 정책적 과제를 제시하는데 그 목적을 두고 있다.


국문 요약
 I. 서론
 II. 사회적 자본 구축 시스템
  2.1 기존 노사문화에 대한 평가
  2.2 사회적 자본 구축 시스템의 역할
  2.3 사회적 자본 구축 시스템의 운용방안
 III. 사회적 자본 구축 시스템의 평가모형
  3.1 평가모형 및 변수설명
  3.2 평가모형에 대한 경제적 효과분석
  3.3 정책적 과제의 제시
 IV. 결론


  • 송일호 Shong, Il Ho. 동국대학교 경제학과 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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