The purpose of this treatise was to propose a survival strategy for commercial banks in the era of globalization, market openmg and diversification of customer's needs after IMF foreign currency crisis in Korea. In this treatise, we established a identification model of customers left and prediction model of deposit records. Based on those models presented above, we put out lifetime values of customers and mtended to provide commercial banks with a strategic direction by lifetime values and customers segmentation depending on their lifestyles. Customers segmentation based on the lifetime value score and lifestyle of customers is very meaningful to commercial banks. Because it provides commercial banks with proper answer about which customer do we have to focus on our marketing ability and more fruitful for our bank ill the aspect of marketing efficiency. Specific study subjects can be put in order as follows. Firstly, we investigated outline of CRM which is a methodology of this treatise we mtended to provide. Second was a understandmg of the present situation of retail finance in Korea. Lastly, based on the two research, presented above, we intended to make a positive study on the estabtishment method of CRM model in retail finance area of commercial banks. We used integrated study method by using references related to tlus study and questimmaire method for the positive approach to the establishment of CRM model.
I. 서론
1. 문제제기와 연구목적
2. 연구범위와 연구방법
II. 한국기업의 연봉제 유형분류
1. 연봉제 유형분류와 유형별 특성
2. 유형별 장단점
III. 한국기업의 연봉제 유형별 차이검증을 위한 실증분석
1. 연구모형의 설정
2. 연구가설과 실증분석
3. 연구결과의 분석 및 논의
IV. 한국기업의 연봉제 적용 모델
V. 결론과 제언