

외식 프랜차이즈 기업의 기업가정신이 신상품 개발성과에 미치는 영향 : 시장지향성의 매개효과를 중심으로


The Effect of Entrepreneurship on New Product Development Performance in Foodservice Franchise Firm - Focusing on Mediation Effect of Market Orientation -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



For firms active in markets characterized by competition, new product development performance is essential because it contributes to firm renewal as well as to customer satisfaction, competitiveness and growth of firms. To be able to develop high-performing products, firms depend on many different capabilities. In this paper, I address two such capabilities-market orientation and entrepreneurship-and how these relate to new product development performance (hereafter NPDP). By NPDP we mean the extent to which new products are perceived to meet their market share, sales and customer use, sales growth, and profit objectives. Entrepreneurship has been discussed as an essential and key success factor for firmʼs growth and survival in economics and management theories. Traditionally, entrepreneurship in the prior entrepreneurship literature and works has been investigated as entrepreneurʼs characteristics at individual level. But recently,corporate entrepreneurship is a new research and theory of entrepreneurship at group level of organizational level, and the studies on corporate entrepreneurship have been increased. The corporate entrepreneurship at organizational level could be defined as innovative, risk-taking and proactive organizational processes or activities to do a new combination of resources. Empirical research model of this study is entrepreneurship as the independent variables and NPDP as the dependent variable. And mediation variable is market orientation, being based on literature review on prior conceptual/empirical works and field studies for pretests. Basically, firm-level entrepreneurship, corporate entrepreneurship, includes internal venturing and organizational renewal activities within large or established firms, going beyond the behavioral or psychological dimension such as innovation, risk-taking, and pro-activeness of entrepreneurs. Thus, many previous researchers have had much interest in fostering corporate entrepreneurship in a large, diversified firm. However, corporate entrepreneurship is also important in small and medium-sized organizations, where aggressive entrepreneurship activities are very much required to keep an organization in tune with its competitive setting. However, many studies of corporate entrepreneurship in Korea are not considered to have mesured all aspects of firm-level entrepreneurship. In this study, I will assess firm-level entrepreneurship ʼs relationship with a firmʼs NPDP. Market orientation is defined as an organizational culture that most effectively and efficiently creates the necessary behaviors for the creation of superior value for buyers, and thus superior performance for the business. Market orientations is composed of three behavioral components of customer orientation,competitor orientation, and inter-departmental coordination. While entrepreneurship is described as one that emphasizes aggressive product-market innovation, risky projects, and a proclivity to pioneer innovations that preempt the competition. In simple terms, market orientation is the extent to which customer needs are satisfied through continuous needs assessment, while an entrepreneurship reflects the extent to which a firm is inclined to innovate, to take risks, and to act proactively. The last two concepts are formally defined and elaborated upon further in the frame of reference section. Market orientation and entrepreneurship are two separate but complementary strategic orientations or capabilities that can coexist, and in the literature these two capabilities are described as firm/business unit-level characteristics. Scholars who emphasize the importance of entrepreneurship argue that only market-oriented firms are likely to miss opportunities for developing innovative new products. On the contrary, scholars who emphasize on market orientation argue that entrepreneurial new products are likely to have higher risk of market failure. It is asserted that firms need to strike an appropriate balance between market orientation and entrepreneurship to make effctive performanance of NPDP and product innovations. Capabilities are socially complex routines that determine the efficiency with which firms transform inputs into outputs. Both market and entrepreneurship also resemble Teece and Pisano’s writings on dynamic capabilities since they both belong to the subset of competences/capabilities that allow a firm to create new products and processes and respond to changing circumstances. Hence, I argue that both entrepreneurship market orientation and create complex, tacit and intangible skills that allow a firm to generate new ideas for the creation of new products. The overall purpose of this paper is hence to examine the relationships between entrepreneurship market orientation and NPDP. In so doing, I put a special focus on foodservice franchise firm. This study contributes to the literature in several ways. First, it addresses simultaneously the importance of market orientation and entrepreneurship on NPDP. Few empirical studies exist in this area; an exception is the one by Atuahene-Gima and Ko. By simultaneously considering different strategic orientations, I also address the current debate on whether a market orientation is enough for NPDP. Many earlier studies look at market orientation as the only strategic orientation. A second contribution is that I look specifically at foodservice franchise stores with fewer than 10employees. Thus, many previous researchers have had much interest in fostering corporate entrepreneurship in a large, diversified firm. However, corporate entrepreneurship is also important in small and medium-sized organizations, where aggressive entrepreneurship activities are very much required to keep an organization in tune with its competitive setting. Earlier research by Tzokas and colleagues indicates that both market orientation and entrepreneurship are important to performance in smaller firms, but knowledge of how these capabilities impact on NPDP is limited. However, many studies of corporate entrepreneurship in Korea not considered to have measured all aspects of firm-level entrepreneurship. In this study, I will assess firm-level entrepreneurshipʼs relationship, that is, intrapreneuring, and strategic renewal activities conducted at the firm level. Third, I look at different environmental conditions as well as product characteristics and how they impact on the market orientation/entrepreneurship-NPDP relationships. A fourth contribution is that this study data were collected from foodservice franchise stores in Korea,where empirical research on the links between strategic orientations and NPDP performance has not yet been conducted. The paper starts by reviewing previous research on entrepreneurship and NPDP and their links to market orientation, with the aim of generating hypotheses. A comprehensive theoretical model was proposed based on a carefu1 review of 1iteratures, and the consequent hypotheses were developed. After the review of extant studies, the authors designed a research model and proposed three hypotheses as below:Hypothesis 1: There is a positive association between corporate entrepreneurship and market orientation. Hypothesis 2: There is a positive association between market orientation and NPDP. Hypothesis 3: The relationship between corporate entrepreneurship and NPDP is mediated by market orientation. This paper verifies; research on mediation effect of market orientation between the entrepreneurship and NPDP using samples of 267 employees of franchise restaurants in South Korea. For this study, three alternative hypotheses addressed centered around entrepreneurship, NPDP and market orientation. To measure entrepreneurship 7 items were asked and 3 sub-factors such as innovativeness, risk-taking and pro-activeness were derived. Also, in market orientation, 15 items used and 3 sub-factors such as customer orientation, competitor orientation and inter departmental coordination were derived. Empirical analysis result can be summarized as follows. Firstly‚ the entrepreneurship has a positive influence on the market orientation. Secondly‚ market orientation has a significant influence on the NPDP. Lastly, this research proves the mediation effect of market orientation between entrepreneurship and NPDP. Entrepreneurship has a indirect effect, via market orientation that are mediators in the paper, on new product development performance. In conclusion, it is suggested that the foodservice franchise firms in Korea should make an effort to pursue continuous entrepreneurship with market orientation in order to increase new product development performance.


본 연구는 기업가정신과 신상품 개발성과 사이에서 시장지향성의 매개효과를 검증하는 데에 주목적이 있다. 이와 같은 연구를 위하여 외식 프랜차이즈 종사원 267명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였으며,기업가정신, 시장지향성 그리고 신상품 개발성과와 관련하여 총 3개의 가설을 설정하였다. 기업가정신 변수는 선행연구에 근거하여 총 7개의 문항을 사용하여 3개의 하위차원인 혁신성, 위험감수성, 진취성으로 측정하였고, 시장지향성 변수는 15개의 문항을 사용하여 고객지향성, 경쟁자지향성, 협력지향성 등의 3개 하위차원을 사용하였다. 본 연구의 실증분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫 번째, 기업가정신은 시장지향성에 정(+)의 유의한 영향을 미쳤다. 두 번째, 시장지향성은 신상품 개발성과에 정(+)의 유의한 영향을 미쳤다. 마지막으로기업가정신과 신상품 개발성과 사이에서 시장지향성의 매개효과가 증명되었다. 기업가정신은 시장지향성을통해 신상품 개발성과에 간접적인 영향을 미쳤다. 결론적으로 외식 프랜차이즈 기업은 신상품 개발성과를증가시키기 위하여 기업가정신과 함께 시장지향성을 추구하는 노력이 필요할 것이다.


국문 요약
 I. 서론
 II. 이론적 배경
  2.1 기업가정신
  2.2 신상품 개발성과
  2.3 시장지향성
 III. 연구모형 및 가설 설정
  3.1 연구모형
  3.2 가설 설정
  3.3 변수의 측정
  3.4 연구표본 및 자료수집
  3.5 분석 절차
 IV. 실증분석 결과
  4.1 변수의 신뢰도 및 상관관계 분석
  4.2 측정모형 분석
  4.3 구조모형 분석 곁과
  4.4 매개효과 분석
 V. 결론 및 시사점


  • 최동주 Choi Dong Joo. 전주대학교 외식산업학과 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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