

융ㆍ복합시대 환경재생과 문화예술을 활용한 부동산 공간 개발 시사점 연구 - 일본 나오시마 지역 중심으로 -


Studying of Sustainable Real Estate Space Development on Covergence Paradigme : Focus on case of Naoshima island

이정민, 허정석

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, the development of sustainable real estate space development projects in Japan Naoshima Island case analysis based on real estate development in the future research direction was to present. Convergence, a new paradigm in the era of complex real estate development direction of the great creative content, secure and environmentally friendly play space, based on entrepreneurship Mecenat activities were examined in the direction of convergence with the larger. First, creative thinking is needed to provide the content of the space. Residential real estate development and office space and consume more fundamental origin of the space available means that if a place can not be competitive. The state of the competition,different from the space is needed. Second, based on the arts and culture play an environmental and real estate development is the fusion graft. Space to deliver their content to fit the cultural and artistic medium that is needed. Arts and culture of the real estate users and consumers in place to provide the satisfaction of the senses, which offers visits to the Naoshima island. This Naoshima island of Japan’s forgotten past, getting a spot on the island as a re-birth of the present world can see that. Third, the ‘entrepreneurial spirit’, based on the convergence of corporate and real estate development activities of maesena is a possibility. When you invest in corporate culture corporate brand value can rise and higher brand power consumers and businesses have a good awareness which eventually led to the company’s profitability is that. Naoshima benese development of this group was demonstrated by the domestic activities of the company in connection with the Mecenat especially considering the need for real estate space development projects that are analyzed. Through this, the era of convergence in the real estate space,developing a new paradigm, a rural community in the direction of physical space, resources, human resources coupled with the company commitment to the center could provide a model for growth. Successful development of sustainable real estate space achieved through practice the lessons learned in Japan, you can do the following theorem. First, the real estate space in the development local residents,businesses and governments participating in the coordinated implementation of and is a faithful role. Second, the development of islands south coast of Korea was able to find the possibility of applying. Third, to increase the added value of real estate development space in the direction of development is a growing need to find out that was The disruption of residential real estate development can not risk adverse reactions based on experience in a proactive way joint venture that you need the variance of the risk was identified There were papers in terms of sustainable development has been made, the city plans to develop it in terms of real estate space research program focused to achieve differentiation. Naoshima area along the south coast as a case study of sleep through the utilization of the space is meant to suggest the possibility. In addition, a new paradigm in the era of convergence culture, art and real estate development and the convergence achieved when spatial differentiation that made creation of economically profitable Naoshima examined through examples. Companies stressed the importance of leading the development of the area was popular as a new convergence in the complex to be able to give valuable real estate space development can succeed presented a case study. Through the development of sustainable real estate space, this research strives for management practitioners want to be helped to present a new vision.


지속가능한 부동산개발을 일본의 나오시마 지역 개발 프로젝트 사례를 바탕으로 분석하여 향후부동산 공간 개발 방향성을 제시하려 한다. 융․복합의 시대 새로운 패러다임 속에서 부동산 개발 방향성은크게 창의적인 공간 컨텐츠의 확보와 친환경 재생, 기업가 정신을 바탕으로 한 메세나 활동과의 융합을 큰방향으로 살펴보았다. 첫째, 창의적 발상의 공간 컨텐츠 제공이 필요하다는 점이다. 부동산 개발이 본원적인주거 및 업무공간과 소비 공간의 본원적인 장소제공을 의미한다면 경쟁력이 없다. 다른 경쟁업체의 공간이주는 다른 점이 필요하다. 둘째, 문화와 예술을 바탕으로 한 환경재생과 부동산개발의 융합접목이다. 공간컨텐츠 제공을 하는데 있어서 문화와 예술이라는 적합한 매개체가 필요하다. 문화와 예술은 부동산의 장소이용자 및 소비자에게 있어서 오감의 만족을 제공하고 이는 방문의 동인을 제공한다. 이는 일본의 나오시마지역이 과거의 산업화로 인하여 황폐했던 섬에서 현재 세계의 명소로 재탄생한 것으로 확인할 수 있다. 셋째, ‘기업가 정신’을 바탕으로 한 기업 메세나 활동과 부동산 개발의 융합 가능성이다. 기업이 문화에 투자하면 기업 브랜드력이 올라가고 브랜드 가치가 높아지면, 소비자들은 기업에 좋은 인식을 갖게 되고, 이는 결국 기업의 이윤창출로 이어진다는 것이다. 이를 베네세 그룹의 나오시마 개발 사업을 통해서 증명되었으며,국내 기업 또한 메세나 활동과 연계한 부동산 공간 개발사업을 각별히 고려할 필요성이 있다고 분석된다.


국문 요약
 I. 서론
  1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
  1.2 연구의 필요성
 II. 이론적 고찰 및 선행연구 검토
  2.1 융합의 개념
  2.2 지속가능한 부동산 공간 개발의 필요성
  2.3 선순환구조의 문화예술 활용 방향
  2.4 선행연구 검토
 III. 나오시마 지역 샤례 분석
  3.1 조사대상의 개요
  3.2 사례 조사 및 분석
  3.3 나오시마 지역의 지속가능한 부동산 개밭 파급효과
 IV. 국내 적용 가능성
  4.1 도입 가능 지역
  4.2 적용을 위한 선결 조건
 V. 결론 및 시사점


  • 이정민 Lee Jeong min. 경희사이버대학교 자산관리학과 부교수
  • 허정석 Heo, Jeong Seok. 건국대학교 부동산학과 석사과정


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