The Influence of Job Demand, Shift, Work Environment and Stressors on the Railway Traffic Controller's Health
This study highlights the main effect of job demand, work shift, work environment and stressors on the railway traffic controller's health, and the moderating effect of work0life balance. The result of empirical analysis based on questionnaires received from 328 traffic controllers working at 10 railway operating companies indicates that job demand, work shift, work environment and stressors have significant effect on their health, among which stressors is a major factor. In the respect of moderating effect, WLB showed no significance except for job demand. This result implies that controller's health can not be enhanced through their individual family or leisure life. Therefore, effective countermeasures and policy to mitigate their health problems and heal their symptoms are urgent.
1. 연구 배경
2. 이론적 배경
3. 연구 설계
3.1 연구모형과 척도
3.2 응답자 특성
3.3 연구 방법
4. 연구 결과
4.1 독립변인의 주효과 분석
4.2 조절변인의 상호작용효과 분석
4.3 논의
5. 시사점 및 결론
6. References