A Study on Problems and Improvement of Disaster Prevention Technology Guidance(Focused on construction disaster)
Recently, industrial accidents rate has been gradually decreasing due to the development of safety management methods, but until now, the accident rate in the construction sector is higher than other industries. Large-scale construction sites are operating systematic safety systems to reduce industrial accidents. However, small and medium sized construction sites do not have systematic safety system and lack safety management ability, so that disaster is not reduced compared with large scale construction site. As a result, disaster prevention technology instruction system has been implemented to reduce the disasters of small and medium scale construction sites. However, in the case of a small construction site less than 2 billion won, there is little decrease in the accident rate, and in some cases, the accident rate increases. After the technical guidance system has been implemented, it is necessary to identify the performance and problems of implementation and to improve its effectiveness. In this study, we suggest the improvement plan to improve the efficiency of the technical guidance system by analyzing the problems and actual conditions of technical guidance operation in small and medium sized construction work sites.
1. 서론
2. 건설재해 발생 현황
3. 재해예방 기술지도 제도의 실시 효과
4. 재해예방 기술지도의 근거와 내용
4.1 기술지도 제도의 근거
4.2 재해예방 전문지도 기관의 인력기준
4.3 기술지도중 관리적 사항에 대한 지도내용
4.4 기술지도중 공종별 점검에 대한 지도내용
4.5 기술지도의 위반에 관한 사항
5. 재해예방 기술지도의 실태와 문제점
5.1 관리상의 실태와 문제점
5.2 기술적인 실태와 문제점
6. 현행 기술지도에 대한 개선방안
6.1 법집행의 효율성과 전문 지도기관에 대한의 감독강화
6.2 기술지도 담당자에 대한 교육 활성화
6.3 현장관계자의 적극적 기술지도 참여 유도
7. 결론 및 제언
8. References