Cause Analysis of Cone Roof Tank Collapse during Plant Construction
This study is on safety improvement measures through analysis of accident cases during plant storage tank construction. Storage tank is a general term for artificial ground facility constructed to store oil, water, gas, and other chemicals. Some companies have clustered storage tanks (tank farm). The construction methods vary according to the component and types of fluids. Because most of the construction procedures include lifting heavy weight materials using heavy construction equipment and are carried out at high places, storage tank construction contains more risk factors than normal aerial construction. Recently, major accidents such as storage tank collapse have occurred often, and cost many lives due to the characteristics of the structure. In this study we would like to analyze the cause of these accidents and propose measures to improve safety.
1. 서론
2. 연구의 범위 및 절차
2.1. 연구의 범위
2.2 연구의 절차
3. 이론적 고찰
3.1. 저장탱크 정의
3.2 선행연구 고찰
3.3 저장탱크 구조
3.4 저장탱크 종류
4. Cone Roof Tank 제작, 시공 Flow 및 사고사례
4.1 Cone Roof Tank 제작 및 시공 Flow
4.2 국내외 Cone Roof Tank 사고사례
4. Cone Roof Tank 사고 원인
4.1 풍속
4.2 용접방법 및 가시설
4.3 상세 해석을 통한 거동분석
4.4 분석결과
5. 사고 방지대책 및 보강 방안
5.1 재료선택 및 용접방법
5.2 보강 방안
6. 결론
7. References