

Study on Method to Generate a Virtual Lane using V2V-based Clothoid Road Model



This study proposes a way to generate a virtual lane by using a vehicle’s driving tra-jectory during the operation of a V2V-based vehicle. The existing method of road shape detection using Lidar, Radar, and camera sensors has limitations in the range of detec-tion with blind spots. To overcome such limitations, a method to generate virtual lanes was proposed to detect the road shape along with the driving trajectory of the leading vehicle based on V2V communications. A Clothoid road model was applied for the calcu-lation of the driving trajectory of the leading vehicle. A driving scenario with various changes in curvature of road was also configured. Furthermore, the feasibility of the vir-tual lane generation method was verified by comparing the reference virtual lane and the virtual lane generated by the driving trajectory. The simulation results confirmed the us-ability of the virtual lane generated from Clothoid road model.


 1. Introduction
 2. Virtual Lane Generation Method
  2.1. System Configuration
  2.2. Clothoid Road Model
 3. Simulation and Results
  3.1. Simulation Scenario
  3.2. Simulation Results
 4. Conclusion


  • Hyeonggeun Mun Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Ulsan University, Ulsan, KOREA
  • Ming Lin Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Ulsan University, Ulsan, KOREA
  • Byeongwoo Kim Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Ulsan University, Ulsan, KOREA


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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