

Abstracts for Colloquium

Generation of glycoengineering mice using genome editing technologies



Genome editing technologies are versatile tools to delete, insert, or correct a certain span of nucleotide sequences under viable conditions. The generation of model animals became quite easier and has been facilitated due to the development of genome editing methods. We aim to generate glycoengineering mice using CRISPR/Cas9 system that have modified glycan structures either systemically or at a specific proteins. One of the engineering mice is a glycan-humanized mouse that mimics glycan structures of human. Another is the development of aglycosylated antibody-producing mice for precision diagnosis. These glycoengineering mice are expected to provide more efficient preclinical model mice for drug development as well as antibody-producing hosts for personalized, precision medicine.


  • Nan-Ee Lee Genome Editing Research Center, KRIBB
  • Sun Hee Kim Genome Editing Research Center, KRIBB
  • Jeong-Heon Ko Genome Editing Research Center, KRIBB
  • Yong-Sam Kim 김용삼. Genome Editing Research Center, KRIBB


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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