

Abstracts for Poster Presentation

Glyconoparticles for probing Mammalian Cell Surface Lectins



Recognition of glycans, which are present in the form of glycoconjugates in cells, by proteins is crucial for a variety of physiological and pathological processes. Accordingly, understanding the role of glycan-mediated binding events and blocking glycan-protein interactions associated with diseases are of great importance for both basic biological research and biomedical applications. To investigate binding of glycans by lectins on the mammalian cell surface,we prepared Lewis antigen conjugated fluorescent magnetic nanoparticles and applied them to detect human DC-SIGN and mouse SIGN-R1 on mammalian cell-surfaces. To our knowledge, glycan-modified fluorescent magnetic nanoparticles have not been used to study glycan-mediated recognition events. When DCEK, DCEK-DC-SIGN, and DCEK-SIGN-R1 cells were incubated with glyconanoparticles, Lea and Leb but not H1 conjugated nanoparticles bind to DC-SIGN and SIGN-R1 expressing cells. Subsequently, glyconanoparticles were internalized by the DC-SIGN and SIGN-R1-expressing cells. However, these events were greatly suppressed by pre-treatment of cells with mannan which is a tight ligand for these lectins, indicating that glyconanoparticles mostly enter cells via lectin-mediated endocytosis. Finally, we found that glyconanoparticles lead to induction of immune responses by examining the production of reactive oxygen species. This study will provide opportunities for developing finely tuned multifunctional nanoparticle-based drug and diagnostic nanoplatforms.


  • Jieun Jung Department of Chemistry, Center for biofunctioal Molecules, YonseiUniversity, Seoul, 120-749, Korea
  • Seong-Hyun Park Department of Chemistry, Center for biofunctioal Molecules, YonseiUniversity, Seoul, 120-749, Korea
  • Injae Shin Department of Chemistry, Center for biofunctioal Molecules, YonseiUniversity, Seoul, 120-749, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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