

특집 : 동북아시아법의 새로운 전개

原因において自由な行為に関する諸問題の検討 - 日本の議論を参考に -


Problems about Actio Libera in Causa in Japan and Discussion Direction of Korea


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Responsibility is must exist at the time of act. This is called 'principle of simultaneous existence of acts and responsibilities. Responsibility exists at the time of the act, it can be attributed to the actor about that act. In relation to such problem of responsibility ability the most problematic issue is the so-called Actio libera in causa problem. Actio libera in causa means to act as a responsible incompetence by acts such as drinking alcohol and drug use, and conduct criminal acts in that state. The Korean Penal Code stipulates the provisions of the statement on this in Article 10, paragraph 3, and despite the absence of so-called responsibility at the time of criminal activity, such act is subject to punishment and until recently 'the basis of penalty' It is a fact that there was a major discussion with reference to German discussion on the issue. However, Actio libera in causa is not only a debate about the grounds for penalties, but it is often a problem in virtually various parts. That is, there are plenty of room for discussion in many areas, such as (1) when the responsibility ability is reduced after the commencement of action, (2) when the criminal falls into a mistake, (3) the time to criminal activities (4) When using diminished responsibility. Even though there are plenty of room for discussion in many parts, Korean Criminal Law has only made a major discussion on the basis of penalties Actio libera in causa can only be excluded from punishment if it follows the principle of responsibility principle which demands responsibility when criminal act. However, the purpose of punishing the Korean Penal Code, despite this, has been included, during which it is judged that there was much debate only on the basis of penalty. At the moment, Korea's law court and theory are no longer affirmative about original acts, and there is also a view that asserts that the provision of the Korean penal code itself is the basis for penalties. Therefore, the midpoint of the future discussion related to Actio libera in causa should go to solve the related problem. Among the problems associated with Actio libera in causa, Korean Criminal Law study is a matter of being debated only on the timing of the start of execution, and discussion on other issues is still to be done. Therefore, in this paper, I will examine the issues which are related to Actio libera in causa and discussed recently in Japan and examine how it can be used analyzed in Korean Criminal Law.


韓国の刑法は、犯罪者を処罰するために犯罪行爲当時、責任能力があることを要する。しかし、原因において自由な行為(以下‘原自行爲’という)は、犯罪行為当時責任能力を欠如しており、その処罰において正当性が要求される。これと関連しては、可罰性の根拠と関連し、様々な見解が提示され、その処罰においても多くの見解が肯定している。韓国の刑法は、第10条第3項にこれに関する規定をさだめており、処罰をすることを明らかにしているのに対し、日本は明文の規定を定めておらず、學說と判例を通じてその処罰を肯定している。 可罰性の根拠に関する議論は、刑法が明文の規定をおき、判例も処罰を肯定している以上、これからの韓国での議論は、その以外のものを検討すべきであろうと思う。実際、原自行爲は、可罰性の根拠以外にも、①實行の着手以後責任能力が低下される場合、②犯罪者が錯誤に陥る場合、③実行の着手時期(実際、これに関してのみ若干の議論がある)、④限定責任能力を利用した場合などの処理問題など様々な分野にかけて問題点が指摘される。しかし、今まで韓国刑法学では、可罰性を根拠づけることだけにすべての力を注ぎ、これに対しては実質的議論が進んでいない状況である。日本の刑法学ではこれに関して以前から検討が進んできているから日本での議論を参考する必要がある。そこで、本稿では、日本で議論されている原自行爲の諸問題を検討し、今後韓国刑法学でのあるべき議論方向について提示してみた。


 I. 序論
 II. 日本での議論檢討
 III. 解決方案の提示
 IV. 結論


  • 洪太錫 홍태석. 圓光大學校 法學專門大學院 副敎授.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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