

Session IV : Presenters

Communication Output of the Envolvement of the Digital Signage and Source Characteristics : on the focus Façade



This research aimed at testing the persuasion effects created by the media façade as a new format of digital communication through self-concept clarity (SCC) and engagement. Results of parameter estimates showed that SCC is positively related to engagement with statistical significance. In other words, a higher SCC resulted in a higher engagement of the digital media façade. In addition, the engagement of digital media façade is positively related to the attitude toward advertising with statistical significance, which indicates that higher engagement of digital media façade resulted in a more positive attitude toward advertising. In addition, no statistically significant relation was found between the engagement of digital media façade and purchase intention. Finally, attitude toward advertising was determined to be positively related to purchase intention with statistical significance, which reveals that more positive attitude toward advertising results in increased purchase intention.


  2.1 The concept of engagement in the marketing literature
  2.2 Self-Concept Clarity as a Moderator of Perceived ConsensusIt
  2.3 Research Hypotheses
  3.1 Research model
  3.2 Participants
  3.3 Independent Variables
  4.1 Correlation among major variables
  4.2 SEM analysis of relationship between digital media façade and SCC


  • JaeYoung Kim Dept. of Advertising & Public Realtions, Namseoul University, Chun Ann, South Korea
  • Shuo Zhang Shandong Normal University


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