

헤밍웨이의 『우리들의 시대』에 관한 문화적 접근


A Cultural Approach to Ernest Hemingway's In Our Time


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to identify the aspect of cultural conflicts in Hemingway’s In Our Time. This novel has been interpreted as the initiation story of Nick. But we must pay attention to cultural context beyond individual sufferings. The first collection interweaves tales of modern life focusing on modern violence. It presents a world of thorough disorientation. Spiritual deadness, aimless wandering and conflicts between genders and cultures - these emerge as Hemingway’s concerns in In Our time. The story suggests powerfully that we may understand our time as the communal loss of temporal, geographical, and cultural certainties. While the stories show an exclusively masculine world of war, crime, bullfighting and so on, most of the stories stress the interdependence, however unhappy, between the sexes. We can see in this novel the ability to communicate well is vital to modern society through overcoming cultural conflicts. In Our Time shows the decay of what must once have seemed fundamental values: religion, intimate human relationships, hierarchies of culture and class, masculine authority. The wanderers of Hemingway’s stories are at once empty and revelatory of these profound changes; however, Hemingway believes, in the last short stories that we may escape from cultural dilemma. In conclusion, we can say that Hemingway’s work is very astonishing in capacity to evoke within its small compass such a rich variety of human predicaments.


 Works Cited


  • 박병주 Park ByungJoo. 충주대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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