Implantable Drug Delivery System (IDDS) emerges as an achievement in healthcare that promises to optimize the therapeutic properties of drug and reduce the risks in life threatening disorders like cancer, ischemic heart attack, brain stroke, aids. The design of an implantable drug delivery system that has been made viable by the convergence of a controller for decision making and a drug delivery mechanism that delivers drug at the site of action has been discussed. This paper presents a first of its kind survey on the need for an implantable drug delivery system along with the research projects being carried out in the area of control design and drug delivery mechanisms. The advantages of IDDS are detailed with the challenges and design constraints that are faced while designing these systems. With IDDS, the patient compliance and quality of life can be enhanced considerably. This paper also investigates the possible future research scope and applications of IDDS such as for chronic disorders that need to be regularly monitored and timely treated.
1. Introduction
2. Need of Implantable Drug Delivery System
3. Implantable Drug Delivery System Techniques
3.1. Control System Designs
3.2. Drug Delivery Mechanisms
4. Advantages of an Implantable Drug Delivery System
5. Current Research Projects on IDDS
6. Design Challenges of an IDDS
7. Future Scope
8. Conclusion