

『무너져 내린다』(Things Fall Apart)에 나타난 식민 저항


Colonial Resistance in Things Fall Apart


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The aim of this thesis is to argue on the postcolonial discourse or theory by analyzing Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart represented colonial resistance. The colonial domination forces the ruled class to obey the ruling by the ideology of the ruling system. Therefore the colonial domination is produced not only in one country's domination over another country but also within one country, such as the male over the female, the ruling class over the ruled. With this idea, I read the colonial resistance presented in Things Fall Apart. Achebe wrote the novel to show correctly that Africa represented as a primitive place by the Western colonial discourse. However he didn't only blame the Western colonialism unconditionally. He didn't also repre-sent Africa only beautifully. Achebe tried to think over the cause that Africa had been colonized by the Western. Also, he intended to reveal the problem of the dominant ideology of the colonialism. Achebe described the culture and the history existed in Africa by repre-senting Africa's traditional wedding custom in the beginning part of Things Fall Apart. He also made us recognize that the ruled class is suppressed by the ruling's political, regional ideology by describing Umuofia's leaders including Okonkwo. He also criticized the patriarchic male centered African society which oppresses the woman. And then, in the latter part of the novel, Achebe revealed the narrow ruling ideology of the Western colonialism by entering the White missionary and commissioners. Achebe, in Things Fall Apart, argued that the Western colonial rule should be put an end to by the African people themselves and that their resistance to the colonial rule should include overcoming the internal colo-nial problems in their own society.




  • 김미영 Kim, Mi-Young. 상지대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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