

영어수업에 있어서 수업도구로서의 창의적인 드라마


Creative Drama as a Teaching Tool in the English Classroom


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Creative drama, an improvisational, nonexhibitional, process-centered form of drama, is way of learning, a means of self-expression, a therapeutic technique, a social activity, or an art form. It helps students to assume responsibility, accept group decision, work together cooperatively, develop new interests, and seek new information. For those reasons creative drama shares many objectives with modern education. Among them are 1) creativity and aesthetic development, 2) the ability to think critically, 3) social growth and the ability to work cooperatively with others, 4) improved communication skills, 5) the development of moral and spiritual values, and 6) knowledge of self. Recently, many teachers of elementary schools have made use of drama in English classroom, and it has been reported that the drama method has improved student`s communicative competence and made a remarkable influence on their achievement in English. Yet the drama method has not continued to develop into the `creative drama` and to function as a teaching tool in high schools. The term `creative drama` is used to describe the improvised drama of elementary students, but it belongs to no particular age level and can be used to describe the improvisation of high school students. This paper is designed to introduce `creative drama` as a new effective teaching instrument in the English classroom of high schools. It also deals with creative drama as a socializing activity, as a powerful way of learning, and as a form of artistic recreation.


I. 들어가는 말
 II. 창의적인 드라마(creative drama)와 교육
 III. 드라마에서의 역할놀이(role play)
 IV. 학습수단으로서의 창의적인 드라마
 V. 창의적인 드라마의 교육적 가치
 VI. 맺음말
 Works Cited


  • 한광석 Kwang-Sok Han. 여주대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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