

비인칭구문의 주어 획득에 관한 통시적 연구


A Diachronic Study on Acquirment of Nominative Case in Impersonal Construction


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Purpose of this thesis is to prove that dative/accusative subject exhibits behavioral, but not coding, properties in the transition from impersonal to personal constructions. Impersonal constructions have constituted one of the subjects most frequently dealt with in English historical syntax. One of the reasons for this interest is probably that they stand out more than other constructions, since such impersonal constructions had been widely used in early English but completely disappeared at the threshold of the Modern English period and are no longer found in Present-day English. Peter Cole, et al.(1980) examined the historical process of subject development and proposed a three-stage unmarked order of acquisition of subject properties. At an early stage in development of the construction (Stage A), the NP in question displays no subject properties, whether coding or behavioral properties. The coding properties, whether coding or behavioral properties. The coding properties are morphosyntactic properties, e.g. nominative case-marking and control of verb agreement. The behavioral properties are transformational properties, e.g. control of reflexivization. At a later time(Stage B), the analogous NP exhibits behavioral, but no coding, properties. If coding properties are found at any stage, the are acquired subsequent to behavioral properties(Stage C). In general, the nominative case is considered to be a subject in Modern English. This is true for OE too(Denison 1993: 16). Grammatical cases are not identical to grammatical relations. Thus case marking does not determine a grammatical relation. There are three stages in the acquisition of subject properties. Among them, it is the second stage that the NP begins to take on transformational properties associated in the language with subject. Therefore, in this thesis I insist that dative/accusative subject exhibits behavioral in impersonal constructions corresponds to Stage B.


1. 서론
 2. 비인칭구문 분석의 문제점
 3. 대격/여격 주어의 역사언어학적 타당성
  3.1 주격/대격언어에서 사격경험명사구의 주어지질획득 3단계
 4. 결론
 Works Cited


  • 신미애 Mi-Ae, Shin. 청주대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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