

Phase Penetration and L2 Korean Relative Clauses : A Proposal against the Structural Distance Hypothesis


국면침투와 L2 한국어 관계절 : 구조거리가설에 대한 비판

Lee, Il-Jae, Lee, Dami

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article brings up theoretical shortcomings of the Structural Distance Hypothesis (SDH), claimed in O'Grady et al. (2003). The SDH alleges that there exists a syntactic dependency between the head noun (filler) of relative clause (RC) and the Case position (gap) of the operator (OP) in L2 RC. This dependency accounts for the processing difficulty captured within the RCs of the NPAH (Noun Phrase Accessibility Hierarchy, Keenan & Comrie, 1977). This article, however, submits the arguments against the SDH: (i) The role of filler seems to be pointless because the position of gap is sufficient to calculate processing difficulty. (ii) The gaps in SUB RCs and DO RCs have different syntactic properties for fair comparison. (iii) The role of OP is crucial during relativization, but it is completely overlooked in the SDH. And, (iv) the SDH cannot predict processing difficulties for homogeneous RCs. In contrast, the phase analysis under the minimalist framework (Chomsky, 1998, 1999, 2001) provides an alternative account for determining the processing difficulty for SUB RCs and DO RCs as well as for other RCs on the lower end of the NPAH. The alternative account hinges on the occurrences of phase penetration by the target features, as being probed and agreed by C and T and merged into Spec-C and Spec-T. By restricting the processing difficulty within the conditions of phase penetration, L2 acquisition studies can be shed light on with a more principled insight into anticipating the UG-constrained developmental order in RCs.


I. Introduction
 II. Phases in L2 Korean RCs
  1. Phase Penetration in L2 Korean SUB RCs
 III. The Structural Distance Hypothesis
  1. Problems
  2. The SDH's defense
 IV. Summary and Concluding Remarks
 Works Cited


  • Lee, Il-Jae 이일재. Seoil College
  • Lee, Dami 이다미. Hanyang University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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