

The English Dative Verbs vs. the Korean Dative Serial Verb Constructions


Lee DooWon

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The so-called serial verb constructions (SVCs) permit Case-alternation, causing the goal to bear possession. For example, while the verb sa ‘buy’ in Korean is a simple transitive verb, the verb buy in English is a ditransitive verb, causing the goal to bear possession; hence, the genuine counterpart of buy is not sa, but sa-cwu ‘buy-give’. This helps us to cultivate the idea that the Korean counterparts of the English ditransitive verbs are the SVCs such as sa-cwu ‘buy-give’. This paper is based on Lee’s (2007b) argument the Korean counterpart of the English ditransitive verb give is the verb cwu base-generated on v in Chomsky’s (1995, 1999) vP-structure (cf. Harley 2002, Jung and Miyagawa 2004). The contribution of the v head is the change-of-state predicate CAUSE (Harley 2002), which induces the goal to bear possession; hence, the verb cwu is a causative verb. This is in accordance with the real generalization that only causative verbs in Korean allow the accusative/dative alternation (Jung and Miyagawa 2004). The transitive verb on V undergoes verbal suffixation to the causative verb cwu on v; hence, a dative (causative) SVC.


I. Introduction
 II. The Dative Verb Cwu
  1. Periphrastic Causative Construction
  2. The Dative Verb Cwu and its Morphological Causative Counterpart
 III. Serial Verb Constructions
 IV. Dative SVCs Bearing Possession
  4.1 The Mono-Clausal Analysis of the SVC V1-Cwu
  4.2 Further Dative SVCs
  4.3 The Structure of the Dative SVC V1-Cwu
 V. Conclusion
 Works Cited


  • Lee DooWon 이두원. Chungju National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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