

영어 굴절의 변화와 수동문의 발달 연구


A Study of the Inflectional Change and the Passive Construction in English


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between inflectional change and the development of the passive construction in English. Most of PIE contains a set of verbal desinences called medio- passives, but no endings for the passive voice. So at that time, there was an active and a middle voice but no passive. The medio-passive inflectional category was used to express middle or passive in meaning. And this phenomenon continued to appear in early Old English period. The English passive was also developed from the medio-passive. Old English had a rather elaborate inflectional system, but much of this had withered away by Middle English. The disappearance of inflectional endings which could carry passive meaning indicated a search for a new device to express the passive notion such as be+PP. In this study, we dealt with the passive constructions such as dynamic passive and statal passive, and the indirect passive. In disagreement with Jespersen’s insistence, this study claims that the indirect passive construction already existed in Old English and it developed throughout the Middle English period. We tried to give an overview of the relationship between inflectional change and the development of the passive construction.


I. 서론
 II. 인구어의 능동태와 중간태
  2.1. 중간태가 수동태로 변한 원인에 대한 Lightfoot의 견해
 III. 간접 수동문의 생성과 발달
  3.1. 우회어법 수동의 발달
  3.2. 간접수동문의 형태
 IV. 상태수동과 동작수동
 V. 결론
 문헌자료 약어표
 Works Cited


  • 최병정 Choi, Byung-Jung. 청주대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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