

The Serial Verb Construction and Constructional Polysemy


Jo, Inhee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Studies of the SVC have been plagued by the annoying fact that the interpretations of SVCs are apparently so diverse as to defy a unified semantic account of serialization. Thus, in most studies, the apparent heterogeneity of the interpretations of SVCs has led to fragmentation of serialization into a variety of subtypes, merely in terms of stereotypical examples, with no provision to capture the underling unity of the subtypes. This paper, along with Jo (1993), argues against such fragmentation and provides a unified semantic analysis of serialization. The sense of inseparable connection between the events serialized is attributed to the counterfactual dependency between them. And the variety of meaning dependencies of the SVC are accommodated as particular instances of the counterfactual dependency, arising from the interaction between the unique underspecified semantics of serialization and the semantic and pragmatic aspects of the events serialized. This analysis, in line with the selective generation analysis of lexical polysemy, provides a principled account for the time-honored native speakers’ intuition that SVCs express a single, perhaps complex, event rather than a series of distinct events.


I. Introduction : the Polysemy of Lexical Units
 II. The Polysemy of Syntactic Constructions
 III. An Analysis of Serialization as a Unique Phenomenon
  III.1. Apparent Polysemy of the SVC
  III.2. A Counterfactual Analysis of Serialization
  III.3. Causal Relation as an Instance of Counterfactual Dependence
  III.4. Causally Involved Relation as an Instance of Counterfactual Dependence
  III.5. Grounding Relation as an Instance of Causal Dependence
 IV. The Conceptual Unity of the SVC
 Works Cited


  • Jo, Inhee 조인희. Sun Moon University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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