

Quantifiers, Pronouns, and a Bound Variable Interpretation


Kang, Nam-Kil

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this paper, we state the necessary conditions on a BVA reading of pronouns. For this, we argue that there are four instances of a BVA reading in Korean and English and further argue, following Ueyama’s (1998) insight, that there are configurations in which a BVA reading between a quantifier A and its dependent B does not obtain. More simply put, a BVA reading is not available if A is one of A-type QPs and B is a long NP. B-type QPs, unlike A-type QPs, can in fact yield a BVA reading, irrespective of the lexical choices. This fact thus provides confirming evidence for Ueyama (1998)’s insight that the availability of a BVA reading is affected not only by a quantifier A, but also by its dependent term B. In addition to this observation, we maintain that there is evidence that common reference arising from the speaker’s intention is a necessary condition on a BVA reading. In this paper, we also examine the case of epithets where a BVA reading is available. In fact, anaphoric R-expressions such as epithets are incomplete definite descriptions. They induce common reference only if c-command does not hold. Hence, it seems reasonable to entertain the hypothesis that anaphoric R-expressions cannot be linked in common reference with a c-commanding argument.


I. Introduction
 II. A BVA Reading and LF C-command
 III. A Formal Variable and the Condition on a BVA Reading
 IV. Quantifiers and a BVA Reading
  4.1. A BVA Reading: A-Type QPs and Long NPs
  4.2. A BVA Reading: A-Type QPs and Short NPs
  4.3. A BVA Reading: B-type QPs and Long NPs
  4.4. A BVA Reading: B-Type QPs and Short NPs
  4.5. The Speaker's Intention and a BVA Reading
  4.6. Epithets and a BVA Reading
 V. Conclusion
 Works Cited


  • Kang, Nam-Kil 강남길. Far East University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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