

중의적인 영어문장들에 대한 한국인들의 운율사용에 관한 연구 : 부정어와 초점부사의 영향권을 중심으로


Koreans’ Use of Prosody in Ambiguous English Sentences : With Focus on Scope of Negation and a Focus Adverb

윤영도, 박명관, 김애순

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study examines Koreans’ production of syntactically ambiguous English sentences with the scope of negation and focus adverbs. In the previous study done by Hirschberg and Avesani (1997) English speakers disambiguate scope of negation by varying the phrasing of the ambiguous sentence. Target utterances produced with wide scope rarely contain phrase boundaries, whereas those produced with narrow scope usually exhibit major or minor prosodic phrase boundaries in the middle of the utterances. In the production experiment we conducted to prepare for this paper, Korean subjects produced the same English utterances with prosodic boundaries in the middle of them for both wide and narrow scope contexts. The Korean subjects’ English competence made little difference in this case. In Hirschberg and Avesani’s study (1997) English speakers produce a focus adverb and the focused word with high pitch accents and deaccent all the other words within an utterance in a narrow focus context. In the case of broad focus context, namely, when a VP, not just a word, gets focused, English speakers produce high pitch accents for both the focus adverb and the whole VP. Korean subjects with good English competence produce the same English utterances like English speakers do, whereas Korean subjects with less English competence produce high pitch accents for most content words regardless of focus and information structure.


I. 서론
 II. 발화실험
  1. 가설
  2. 실험방법
 III. 실험결과와 논의
  1. 부정어의 영향권에 관한 실험결과
  2. 초점부사 only의 영향권에 관한 실험결과
 IV. 결론
 Works Cited


  • 윤영도 Yungdo Yun. 나사렛대학교
  • 박명관 Myung-Kwan Park. 동국대학교
  • 김애순 Kim, Aesoon. 동국대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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