

영어의 소절 연구


A Study on Small Clauses in English


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study has made investigation into small clauses. The main findings are as follows: First, a full clause and a reduced small clause have a common feature in that both of them have a predication relation, but they also have syntactic and semantic differences. Second, there are some theories which deal with small clauses, such as Predication Theory, Complex Predicate Theory, Small Clause Theory, etc. Predication Theory and Complex Predicate Theory argue against the existence of an autonomous structure for small clauses, but Small Clause Theory states that a small clause is a syntactic unit and, as such, possesses an intrinsic identity. Third, there is a claim that a small clause does not contain any functional category at all, but the claim that a small clause also has a functional category like a full clause seems to be more persuasive. Fourth, adjectival small clauses and bare verbal small clauses show differences in predication, subject position, topic, passivization, etc. Fifth, it has been found that in there-sentences, in some cases the post-copula NP and a predicate following it form a small clause or in other cases they create a NP. In conclusion, the proper syntactic treatment of small clauses remains a matter of considerable debate and complexity, but it seems to be desirable that we should regard a small clause as a syntactic unit with a predication relation and a functional category.


I. 서론
 II. 완전 절과 소절 비교
 III. 소절을 다루는 몇 가지 이론
  1. 서술이론
  2. 복합술어이론
  3. 소설이론
 IV. 소절의 기능범주
 V. 형용사 SC와 원형동사 SC
  1. 서술의 차이
  2. 주어 위치의 차이
  3. 주제의 차이
  4. 원형동사 SC를 포함하는 문장이 수동화가 되지 않는 이유
 VI. there 구문과 SC
  1. 일시적 술어와 지속적 술어
  2. 명사 앞 수식어와 명사 뒤 수식어
  3. SC 가설과 NP 가설
  4. 추출과 등위접속
 VII. 요약 및 결론
 Works Cited


  • 김성종 Kim, Seong Jong. 서원대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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