

Prosodic Structure in the Lexicon : The Case of Invisibility


Cho Hyung-Mook

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The theory of Prosodic Lexical Phonology (Booij & Rubach 1984, Booij 1992, Booij & Lieber 1993, Inkelas 1989, 1993) argues that there coexist morphological and prosodic structures in the lexicon and many phonological phenomena can be explained by simultaneous reference to both structures. The goal of this paper is to show further evidence for copresence of morphological and prosodic structures in the lexicon through the analysis of invisibility in English. In order to argue for copresence of prosodic and morphological structures in the lexicon for more explanatory account of invisibility, we have addressed the following questions; i) Does invisibility apply to only prosodic units? ii) Is invisibility relevant to only suprasegmental rules such as stress rules? iii) How can we explain invisibility that refers to particular morphological categories such as word-class? iv) Why is the whole prosodic unit not rendered invisible? Through the analysis of the above questions, we have shown the prosodic structure should be posited in the lexicon, along with morphological structure. In addition, we argued that invisibility turns off in prosodic word level universally.


1. Introduction
 2. Theoretical Background
  2.1 Prosodic Lexical Phonology
 3. Explanation of Invisibility
  3.1 Characteristics of Invisibilily
  3.2 Explanation of the Traits of Invisiblility
 4. Conclusion
 Works Cited


  • Cho Hyung-Mook 조형묵. Chungju National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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