

현대영미시의 시각화에 대하여


Visualization of Modern British and American Poetry


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Since Aristotle, in Poetics, distinguished poetry from painting and sculpture in compliance with their media respectively, most artists and critics have not seriously doubted his theory. However, many modernist poets produced avant-garde works of art in which the auditory and visual factors were presented simultaneously. In the early twentieth century, just as impressionist paintings or snapshots represented the instantaneous impression on the retina, Imagist poets represented instantaneous and static image with words; just as the futurist and analytic cubist painters reproduced temporal factors on the two-dimensional canvas, modern Vorticist poets represented kinetic and successive images, seen simultaneously, from the intense and inrushing perspective. They did not consider the world as a stable and static thing, but a dynamic and moving force. Thus, modernist poets tried to represent a pure construction which showed the modernity in the dynamic and kinetic movement. Since they perceived, understood and represented the world in a different way from the earlier poets had done, modernist poets tried to represent time and space beyond the limits of their media. Understanding this context would allow us to comprehend the significance of visualization of modern poetry.


I. 들어가며
 II. 본론
 III. 나오며
 Works Cited


  • 권승혁 Kwon Seunghyeok. 강원대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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