

중소 · 중견기업의 서비타이제이션 사례 연구


Servitization of the SMEs and LMEs : Five Cases Studies Focused

박선영, 임광선, 황성욱

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recognizing that they cannot take a competitive edge over their rivals in the market by selling products for profit, manufacturing companies are making active use of servitization to combine products with service to generate new profit. Previous studies on servitization are, however, limited to the case study of big corporations with capital, which means that their cases put limits on benchmarking by SMEs. This study set out to observe the process of servitization through the analysis of SME cases and conduct quantitative and qualitative analysis of servitization at SMEs, thus figuring the characteristics and strategic implications of their servitization. Analyzed in the study were five companies, which include Kyungdong Navien, iloom, Aurora World, Epik System, and Golfzon. Their case analysis results indicate that SMEs should pursue the following servitization strategies: first, they should contemplate over the organic fusion of service and product since the amount of service is not proportionate to the quality of servitization; secondly, they should base their servitization on their core technologies and products; and finally, they should generate profit with a comprehensive strategy to create a competitive edge through servitization and enter the global markets.


I. 서론
 II. 이론적 배경
 III. 연구 수행방법
 IV. 서비타이제이션 사례연구
 V. 결론


  • 박선영 Sun Young Park. 교수, 건국대학교 경영대학 기술경영학과
  • 임광선 Lim Kwang Sun. 책임 연구원, 한국정보통신연구원
  • 황성욱 Hwang, Sung-Wook. 연구원, 건국대학교 대학원 기술경영학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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