

식품, 신선편이 농산물용 저장기간 연장 포장 소재 특성 및 평가


Characterization of Shelf Life Extension Packaging Material for Food and Fresh Cut Agricultural Product : A Review

이진규, 유지예, 김미경, 유영선

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Fresh-cut agricultural products provide convenience to consumers. However, quality changes or microbial growth can easily occur due to physical changes such as cutting and peeling etc. during processing. Therefore, efforts have been made to develop a functional packaging for extension of shelf life of fresh-cut agricultural products, food etc., and researches on prolongation of storage period have been actively developed. The shelf life is extended by antimicrobial, far infrared rays, air permeability, anti-fogging, weak current, ethylene gas adsorption or decomposition, gas composition changes such as MA (Modified Atmosphere) or CA (Controlled Atmosphere). The method of extending the shelf life by various complex factors. This paper based on the published literature to extend the shelf life of fresh-cut agricultural products, food etc., The paper has summarized the storage period extension packing method, packaging material for shelf life extension and comprehensive evaluation method.


  1. 저장기간 연장 포장
  2. 저장기간 연장 포장 소재
  3. 저장기간 연장 포장재 제품 적용 현황
  4. 평가방법
 감사의 글


  • 이진규 Jin-Kyu Rhee. 이화여자대학교
  • 유지예 Ji Ye Yu. (주)바이오소재
  • 김미경 Mi-Kyung Kim. (주)바이오소재
  • 유영선 Young-Sun You. 가톨릭대학교 생명공학전공


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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