

Accounting for Variability in EFL Learners’ Grammars : Verb Placement and Agreement Marking


Choi, Myong-Hee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Eubank, Bischof et al. (1997) reported optional verb-raising during the course of second language acquisition. Following Beck (1998), they have suggested, accordingly, that L2 knowledge of functional categories associated with feature strength is permanently impaired. In order to reexamine Eubank’s view, this paper investigated EFL learners’ grammars. An oral translation task and a grammaticality judgment task were administered to explore their knowledge of English (ir)regular verbal morphology and verb placement, respectively. This paper argues that despite overall suppression in adult learners’ performance involving lexical verb and adverb placements, the adult EFL learners in this study as well as the study of Eubank and his colleagues attain significant sensitivity to the discrepancy in grammaticality between unraised and raised verbs. Moreover, as far as the EFL learners’ accurate use of suppletive forms is concerned, an agreement feature-checking mechanism appears to be operative in learners’ grammars. Hence these findings call for a reconsideration of Eubank’s view on variability in verb placement in adult learners’ grammars.


I. Introduction
 II. Theoretical Background
  1. Verb-raising and Feature Strength
  2. L2 English and L1 Koean : Verb Placement and Agreement Morphology
 III. Relevant Second Language Acquisition Hypothesis
  1. The Valueless Feature Hypothesis
  2. Local Impairment Hypothesis
  3. Separation Hypothesis
 IV. Revisiting the Study of Eubank, Bischof et al. (1997)
 V. Methodology
  1. The Participants
  2. Materials and Procedures
 VI. Results
  1. Result of the Oral Translation Task
  2. Results of the Grammaticality Judgment Task
 VII. Conclusion
 Works Cited


  • Choi, Myong-Hee 최명희. Gangneung-Wonju National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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