

들뢰즈의 기호체제와 권력의 얼굴, 그리고 『햄릿』


Deleuze’s Regime of Signs & the Faces of Power, and Hamlet


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Language reinforces a codification of the world according to orthodox categories and classifications. The human face serves as a substance of expression for linguistic forms of expression, each speech act resonating with an accompanying facial expression. According to Gilles Deleuze, the elementary unit of language, the statement is the order-word. He insists the function of language is not to be informational and communicational, but to transmit a order-word. In this sense, Deleuze suggests that a regime of signs is divided into four general categories: a presignifying primitive regime, a signifying despotic regime, a postsignifying passional regime, and a countersignifying nomadic regime. The face plays a different role in each regime of signs. The important thing is that a regime of signs has a power structure that forms individual subjects and places them in social and political relation to one another. This is called the politics of language. Similarly, the face forms the relation of power, especially, in the signifying despotic regime and postsignifying passional regime. The former represents a frontal face and deception, the latter an averted face and betraval. Deleuze also insists the face is a politics. But each regime of sings exists in a mixed semiotic system and comes out differently in various assemblages. Certainly, the regimes of sings can be applied to Hamlet. the four regimes appear in Hamlet according to the relation and placement of characters.


I. 서론
 II. 기표적인 전제적 기호체제와 권력의 얼굴
 III. 탈기표적인 기호체제의 얼굴 돌리기와 예속화, 그리고 탐사적 머리
 IV. 기호체제의 혼성과 변환, 그리고 『햄릿』
 V. 결론
 Works Cited


  • 사공일 Sa Kong Il. 부경대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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