

탐정 소설의 기괴하고 숭고한 대상 : 포우의 「군중 속의 그 사람」 과 「도둑맞은 편지」를 중심으로


Sublime Object of Detective Story: Focusing on Poe’s “The Man of The Crowd” and “The Purloined Letter”


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



According to Poe’s poetic theory, “the contemplation of the beautiful” or “the Human Aspiration for Supernal Beauty” functions as the poetic principle and makes it possible to experience the pleasurable excitement or the poetic sentiment. But Poe’s beauty is differentiated from ‘beauty’ in the classical aesthetics such as Edmund Burke’s or Immanuel Kant’s in that it is defined as not a main source for order and balance but as “a something in the distance,” and related to the unattainable like the death of a beautiful woman. Rather, Poe’s beauty can be said to have a similarity with the role of ‘sublime’ argued in Burke’s or Kant’s aesthetic theory. We come to find a paradoxical structure based on Poe’s definition of beauty as the unattainable repeated in Poe’s detective stories. For example, in “Ligeia” the relation between a husband and a wife represents the typical structure of other detective stories in that the husband’ efforts to fathom something profound in his wife’ face fails in the end and both of two can’t escape their tragic destiny repeating the endless chase like vampires. In “the Man of the Crowd,” this chasing structure deepens more and is presented more variously through the relation between ‘I’ and “the man of the crowd.” Finally, we find that in “The Purloined Letter” which shows how the chase go when the chased object doesn’t allow it to be read, the place of subject is determined by that of the unreadable object and the one replaced endlessly by the other without finding any solution or safety.


- 들어가며
 I. '네버모어'와 「라이지아」
 II. 「군중 속의 그 사람」 : "읽허지기를 허락하지 않는다."
 III. 「도둑맞은 편지」 : 반복과 복수
 - 나가며
 Works Cited


  • 구태헌 Taehun Ku. 상지대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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