

Applying Audio/Video Data Processing Programs for the Improvement of English Listening Proficiency of Adult EFL Learners


성인 영어학습자들의 청해 능력 향상을 위한 음성/영상 프로그램 활용 연구

Yunsang Jang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Early development of listening ability has been viewed as vital in the field of teaching English as a Foreign/Second Language (EFL/ESL). Both researchers and teachers have thus been greatly concerned with finding some ways to improve the learner’s listening competence, or better ideas to help learners acquire listening skills in the formal classroom setting. As one way of achieving this goal, this study spells out advantages of using technologically up-to-date audio/video data processing softwares over traditional audio/video players or CD/DVD players. These traditional language teaching aids have been of use and still can be to some extent. But they have been somewhat limited in terms of easier retrieval of necessary language input at the teacher’s will. For instance, when teachers try to use some specific parts of audio-video tapes for test construction, they have to spend a lot of time and energy cutting and pasting them. In addition, the audio/video quality often decreases in the process due to some technical problems. This study shows that both Digital Sound Processors (DSP) like Adobe Audition and Visual Data Processors (VDP) like Virtual Dub can be used so as to overcome those ever-existing limitations and thus to enhance ways of teaching listening. As a case study, this study comes up with a few practical ideas of how to apply language teaching materials made by using audio/video data processing programs to teaching listening, particularly for adult EFL learners.


I. Introduction
 II. Background Studies
 III. Research Setting and the Subjects
 IV. Key Features of the DSP and the VDP
 V. Results of the Survey
 VI. Discussion
 VII. Conclusion
 Works Cited


  • Yunsang Jang 장윤상. Korea University of Technology and Education


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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