

영어 명사형 접사의 생산성 연구


A Study of the Productivity of Some English Affixes


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This current study explores effects of productivity of English suffixes, such as -al, -ance, -tion, -ment, and of blocking of the word formation rules. The results are as follows: First, the lexicon has Nominal Affixations Rules, which are specified on the lexical item according to their applicability of the rules. And eight verb types are classified with the set of the Nominal Affixation Rules according to whether or not the following rules are applied. Second, common features are as follows: (a) All the verbs to which nominal affixes are attached have prefixes in them. (b) All the verbs to which nominal affixes are attached are two-syllabled words and have the stress on the second syllable. Third, the analysis of the data made us find out the following individual features: (a) Words beginning with the prefixes re-, pro-, de-, con- can have suffixes -al, -tion but not the suffixes -ance and -ment. (b) Words with the prefixes ar- transformed from ad- can have the suffixes -ance and -ment.. (c) Words with the prefixes ac-, ap- changed from ad- cannot have the suffix -ance but can have the suffix -ment. However, words with the prefix directly followed by /q/ can have both -ance and -ment. (d) Word beginning with the prefixes de-, con-, per-, o(b)-, ac- as well as with the word stucture /ad- + Vowel/ cannot have the suffix -al. However, words with the prefix directly followed by /q/ can have the nominal suffix -al. The results can only have the descriptive adequacy but not the explanatory adequacy; therefore, this kind of study on the blocking can be opened to a further research.


I. 서론
 II. 본론
  1. 생산성과 저지
  2. 명사형 접사첨가와 동사분류
 III. 결론
 Works Cited


  • 박순봉 Soonbong Park. 건국대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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