Re-reading on a double-sided aspect of African American's ideology of ‘flight' : Milkman in Song of Solomon.
This paper aims to re-think the double-sided aspect of the African- American ideology of ‘flight’ through Toni Morrison’s novel, Song of Solomon. Morrison concentrates on African-Americans who intended to live freely by casting off prejudice and oppression. The free life Morrison wants to portray is attained through a flight without ever leaving the ground. The true meaning of flight emerges when Milkman experiences many trials and errors in his life. His pilgrimage and growth allow him to build a free life in a period when material northern values and traditional southern values coexisted. Milkman could be re-immersed into the Southern tradition of his ancestors and it enables him to gain a whole understanding of the nature of the culture and the true meaning of song of Solomon in which the African-American vernacular is rooted in. Milkman realizes Morrison’s true meaning of flight with the help of Pilate and Guitar, who live a free, positive and harmonious life with their feet fixed on the ground.
II. 모성과 부성의 상실로 드러나는 부정적 혹인이데올로기 : 루스와 메이컨의 아들로서의 밀크맨
III. 모성과 부성의 회복으로 변화되는 긍정적 혹인 이데올로기 : 파일럿과 기타의 아들로서의 밀크맨의 긴 여정
IV. 사랑과 조화로움의 이데올로기 : 성숙한 인간, 밀크맨
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