

이언 매큐언의 『지속적인 사랑』에 나타난 사랑 대한 연구


A Study of Love in Ian McEwan's Enduing Love


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This essay aims at studying the aspect of various types of love in Ian McEwan’s Enduring Love. The main character of the novel, Joe, is possessed by his guilt for John Logan’s death in the accident of the balloon. With this, he is leading his relationship with his girlfriend Clarissa into catastrophe because he is stalked by a young man called Jed Parry with the de Clérambault’s syndrome. Joe is getting more obsessed with Jed when Jed is driving Joe into having an unusual relationship with him and Joe is isolating himself from Clarissa by indulging himself in studying why Jed loves him. The balloon accident involves various characters and brings into an aggravated relationship between Joe and Clarissa, an unusual relationship between Joe and Jed, Mrs Logan’s misunderstanding of her husband, and the revelation of Professor Reid’s secret relationship with his student. The essay studies the formation and development, the entanglement and shift, and the cause and result, of the relationships between the characters in relation with love, selfishness and guilt. Eventually, it will make clear the meaning of genuinely enduring love through the various relationships.


 Works Cited


  • 손영도 SOHN, Young Do. 고려대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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