

A Confusion of Functions or an Economy? - A Diachronic Study of English Present Participle -


기능의 혼동 인가 혹은 경제성인가? - 영어 현재분사의 통시적 연구 -

Shin Sung Kyun

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Bolinger (1977:preface x) mentions the old principle that the natural condition of a language is to preserve one form for one meaning, and one meaning for one form. This means, if two expressions have the same form, they have the same meaning (function), and if different forms, different meanings (functions). There is an apparent counterexample to this: the coalescence of the present participle functioning as verbal (adjectival), and the gerund functioning as nominal in -ing form as in the sentence, Flying kites can be dangerous in a public building. Through the diachronic study of Old English and Middle English, it is found that the Old English present participle form -end(e) has double functions, nominal and verbal. The gerund -ung has a nominal function. So, it is proposed that Modern English form ending -ing is a counterexample to Bolinger’s old principle and also an example of economy of using one form. In Old English, -end(e), which represents the present participle, functions as nominal and verbal (adjectival), and -ung, which represents the gerund, functions as nominal. They share the same function of nominal, both resulting in -ing for economy characteristic of language acquisition or growth as pointed out by Chomsky (1995).


I. Introduction
 II. A Diachronic Study of the Present Participle
  1. The Same Form -end(e) Has Different Functions
  2. The Orgin of the Middle English and Modern English Present Participle
  3. A Strategy of Economy
 III. Conclusion
 Works Cited


  • Shin Sung Kyun 신성균. Kangwon National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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