

새로운 문화담론으로서의 초국가주의


Transnationalism as a New Cultural Discourse


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recent discussions of interstices between races, ethnicities, nations, states, and cultures produce a delicate and complex concept of hybridity within the context of globalization and transnationalism. What is at stake in this new discursive dynamics is diasporic subjects and borderline areas of cultures. In recent postmodern cultural studies, “diaspora consciousness” moves beyond the essentialist concepts such as ethnicity and race, and comes to denote hybridity, heterogeneity, identity fragmentation, double consciousness, roots and routes, multi-locationality, and what not. This disapora consciousness is a product of cultures and histories in collision and dialogue, and diasporic subjects are distinct versions of modern, transnational, and intercultural experience, as James Clifford perceives. In this context of diasporic identities and hybridity, networks of transnationalism can provide a clue to unknot the complicated intermixture of terms which span from diaspora, postcolonialism, and postnationalism. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the nature of the concepts of diaspora, colonialism, and nationalism from the contradictory counter- concepts of diasporic double consciousness, postcolonialism, and postnationalism. Then, based upon this geneology of emerging transnational cultural logic, this paper demonstrates how “reggae aesthetics” of Kwame Dawes transforms itself into the cultural logic of transnationalism in connection with his hybrid reggae music, diasporic life-styles, and cross-national commodification of reggae music, and flexible citizenship.


I. 머리말
 II. 탈식민주의와 디아스포라
 III. 탈민족주의와 초국가주의
 IV. 크와메 도즈의 레게 미학 : 초국가주의의 한 사례
 V. 초국가주의의 문화담론의 논리 : 미학과 경제학
 Works Cited


  • 김영민 Kim, Youngmin. 동국대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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