

회생대명사의 인허에 대하여


On the License of Resumptive Pronoun


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims at exploring the possibilities of syntactic explanation for resumptive pronouns occurring in English relative clauses. The 'spelt- out trace' approach to resumptive pronouns, in which they are considered to be Spell-Outs of illicit traces and thus to save violations of syntactic conditions, is claimed to have some theory-internal problems. Instead, we assume the 'base-generation approach' to resumptive pronouns on the hypothesis that a CRP (Covert Resumptive Pronoun) is base-generated and converted to an ORP (Overt Resumptive Pronoun) following the 'visibility condition of resumptive pronoun[s]' proposed by Gu (2001). However, the required qualification of the licensor, which needs to be defined by parametric variation, plays an important role either in converting the CRP to ORP, or in preventing the CRP from converting to an ORP. But Gu's (2001) 'visibility condition of resumptive pronoun[s]' is found not to be sufficient enough to account for some structures in English. Thus, along with parametric variation of licensors, his 'visibility condition of resumptive pronouns' can be revised to account for incorrectly predicted grammaticality of some English sentences, including resumptive pronouns in relative clauses.


I. 서론
 II. 회생대명사와 A'-결속
 III. 흔적의 문자화
  1. 흔적과 회생대명사의 상보적 분포
  2. 흔적의 문자화와 구제기능
  3. 문제점
 IV. 회생대명사의 기저생성 분석과 인허
  1. 내현 회생대명사의 기저생성
  2. 내현 회생대명사의 가시성조건과 인허
  3. 문제점과 보완
 V. 결론
 Works Cited


  • 이상오 Lee Sang Oh. 호원대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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