

Lady Macbeth and the Reversal of Gender Roles


Song, II-Sang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Lady Macbeth, an ambitious character set in a time when women had little power, is a product of Elizabethan times and is not a feminist by today’s standards. She is not consciously aware of the ways in which the patriarchal system restricts her or of her reactions against that system. The best policy that Lady Macbeth can do to have power under the current social system is to place her husband in its highest position. If so, she can influence his careers in her own. way. Before the murder, Lady Macbeth is dominant. She speaks her mind to Macbeth and manipulates him with her words, unlike the silent and manageable ideal wife. She also uses her sexuality to bend his will. This behavior is in opposition to the Elizabethan ideal of chastity. Furthermore, she refuses to be submissive and yield to her husband as if she were superior. The result of these actions is that she initially directs his behavior instead of allowing him to direct hers. In her dealings with Macbeth, she has been dynamic, absolute and scornful of his hesitancy. However, after the murder, Macbeth ends Lady Macbeth's control by simply keeping her out. Finally, Lady Macbeth faces polarized expectations for masculinity and femininity. She adopts the masculine stereotype because it is associated with power. Since masculinity includes destruction and cruelty, she embraces evil to gain power. This manliness is manifested in her sexuality, her relationship with Macbeth, and her interpretation of life. Her role-changing results in disaster and ends with madness and suicide.


 Works Cited


  • Song, II-Sang 송일상. Cheju National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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