

한국 대학생 영어 중간언어의 사과화행 분석 및 적합도 평가


An Assessment of the Speech Act of Apology of Korean EFL Learners


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study is to investigate the speech act of apology of Korean EFL learners and to assess the appropriateness of the speech act of apology to the particular situations. The study employed 139 Korean learners of English and divided those subjects into two groups, Group A(74 students with TOEIC scores about 800), and Group B(65 students with TOEIC scores about 400). This study used 10 discourse completion tasks to elicit the subjects’s apology utterances and 9 kinds of apology strategies to classify the apology utterances. Ten judges (5 native English teachers and 5 non-native English teachers) assessed the learners’ performances of 10 apology situations. The findings are as follows. ① The apology strategies used are illocutionary force indicating devices, explanation, acknowledgement of responsibility, offer of repair, upgrader, downgrader, discourse marker, promise of forbearance, and denial. ② There is a significant difference between the advanced learners and intermediate learners in the use of apology strategies. Advanced learners use strategies much more frequently than intermediate learners. ③ There is a significant difference among the socio-cultural variables in the use of apology strategies. ④ The overall appropriateness level of Korean EFL learners’ performances of apology is between ‘often inappropriate’ and ‘slightly appropriate’. ⑤ There is no difference between the two groups of judges, native and non-native English teachers in the assessment of the subjects’ performances of 10 apology tasks.


I. 서론
 II. 이론적 배경
  1. 화행(speech acts) 이론
  2. 사과(apology) 화행
 III. 연구방법 및 절차
  1. 연구대상
  2. 자료수집방법 및 절자
  3. 사과발화 적합도 평가
 IV. 자료 분석 및 논의
  1. 사과화행 책략 유형 및 사용빈도
  2. 능력수준에 따른 사과책략 유형 및 사용빈도
  3. 사회문화적 변인에 따른 사과책략 유형 및 사용 빈도
  4. 한국 대학생 영어 중간언어의 사과발화 적합도
  5. 능력수준에 따른 사과발화 적합도
  6. 평가자 그룹에 의한 사과발화 적합도
 V. 결론 및 시사점
 Works Cited


  • 김남국 Kim, Nam Gook. 강원대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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