

파운드의 신플라톤주의 - 근원으로의 회귀


Pound’s Neoplatonism - The Return to the Origin


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is an essay intended to trace and explicate some influences of Neoplatonism which are explicitly and implicity apparent in Ezra Pound’s poetry. Pound has admitted not a few Neoplatonists in a broad sense in his poetry and adapted their main notions for use in his poetry. Among those Neoplatonic philosophers can be mentioned Plotinus who had inherited Plato’s philosophy and several other philosophers such as Eriugena and Grosseteste. But it is Plotinus that has a lasting influence on Pound throughout his poetic development from his early poetry to the later Cantos. As a result, Pound has shown or revealed some thoughts which are derived from Plotinus. Both of them propose the return to the origin. Pound emphasizes the return to the origin as nature and reason, while Plotinus had espoused the One as the arche of beings in the universe. The One is God of the Good that has created the universe, but transcended it. In his poetry, Pound is recurrently interested in the notion of Nous as the supreme realm of light next to the unreachable One. The Nous is no other than reason, intelligence, essence, pure thought, or divine mind that the poet should attain in his poetic process. Pound has dealt with it in his poems on the alchemical transmutation of the poet into the real self, the identification of the poet with other beings by virtue of his metamorphic experience, and the return to the paradise as the world of light and love.


I. 서론
 II. 본질로의 환원
 III. 변신적 경험
 IV. 빛의 상징성
 V. 결론
 Works Cited


  • 전홍실 Jeon,Hong-Shil. 충북대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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