

영어의 전이음에 관한 연구


A Study of Glides in English


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



We have discussed the phonological characteristics of glide sounds in American English and analyzed by means of various theories, such as, an insertion analysis, a deletion analysis, non-linear representation and OT. First, an insertion analysis has the problems of abstract underlying representation, phonological rules and derivational processes. In addition, it did not mention the CwV glide type, even though CyV were explained with exact formalism. Second, a deletion analysis succeeded in the postulation of underlying representation, that is, įu, which we accept in OT. However, it also needs a derivational process and resyllabication. Third, nonlinear representational theories use separate tiers or levels to explain various phonological patterns. However, due to the rich representation, it should put on a burden on the grammar of learning. Finally, we have accepted OT theory, which is a surface-oriented and constraint-based theory. We could solve the problems pointed out by earlier theories. We have accepted the input form, įu, of Cyu glide type which is postulated by deletion analysis, and explained all types of glides in English by the fixed constraint hierarchy. Besides, we support for the feature of [±vocalic] by means of the ID(vocalic) constraint in OT.


I. 서론
 II. 전이음 분포와 삽입분석
  2.1. 미국영어의 전이음 분포
  2.2. 전이음 삽입분석
 IV. 재음절화와 삭제분석
 V. 전이음에 대한 다양한 표시(representation)
 VI. OT에 의한 전이음 재분석
 VII. 결론
 Works Cited


  • 김진두 Kim ChinDoo. 충주대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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