

A Pragmatic-Functional Account for Passive Constructions in Discourse


Kim, Kyungyul

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Based on a pragmatic-functional perspective, this study examines a relationship between the syntactic structure of a passive voice and its discourse-motivated pragmatic functions. To find out the pragmatic- oriented tendency and pragmatic factors that determine the choice of a passive construction, three information structure principles are consulted as anchoring-points: 1) the principle of ‘end-weight’; 2) the principle of ‘end-focus’; 3) the principle of ‘topic preservation’. Through a data analysis, it is proposed that the frequent occurrence of a particular type of passive in discourse is one of the reflexes of its structural advantage functionally associated with its pragmatic-motivated tendency; as a multi- functional category, passives serve as a useful text-structuring tool to thematize a given entity in patient-position and focalize a new entity in agent-position, making a rhetorical contrast between the two entities more prominent. Finally, it is suggested that the choice of a passive construction in discourse contributes to the effectiveness of message presentation and discourse organization, serving as a discourse device, creating textual coherence, and facilitating language production.


I. Introduction
 II. Background Studies
  1. The Principle of End-weight
  2. The Principle of End-focus
  3. The Principle of Topic Preservation
 III. Method
  1. Data Collection
  2. Data Analysis
 IV. Findings and Discussion
 V. Conclusion
 Works Cited


  • Kim, Kyungyul 김경열. Kangwon National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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