

해밀턴의 여성 노동자 시


Janet Hamilton’s Working-Class Women’s Poetry


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The poetry of Janet Hamilton, the best known working-class woman poet of Scotland in the Victorian age, guides best readers to the less appreciated world of working-class women’s poetry. Hamilton, a self- taught poet and shoemaker’s wife, fought contemporary prejudice against women and working-class people regarding their ability to write poetry. Her poetry shows a deep understanding of the social problems that working-class people, especially women, faced in nineteenth-century English society, such as male sexual irresponsibility, wage disparity between working-class men and women, and rapid industrialization and its negative influences on the human mind. Hamilton is a mild feminist in that her poetry makes a sharp critique of various forms of powers that oppress working-class women. Hamilton attributes a special power to women in educating children, and she emphasizes the importance of self-education of working-class women for such purpose.


I. 들어가는 말
 II. 여성 노동자와 시
 III. 해밀턴 시의 사회비평
 IV. 여성 노동자와 교육
 V. 맺음말
 Woks Cited


  • 송기호 Kiho Song. 한남대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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