

Kes Anaphora


Lee, Doo-Won

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Kes in HiRC constructions cannot be an expletive such as there or it in English. More specifically, kes in HiRC constructions is a demonstrative anaphoric proform referring to the preceding subject or object within the relative clause. Kes in HiRC constructions bears phi-features such as person or number and semantic contents. Kes in HiRC constructions is an anaphoric pronominal: that is, kes in HiRC constructions bears an anaphoric property, even though it is not c-commanded (Kwon 2010). Kes in HiRC constructions can be substituted by the demonstrative anaphor ku casin ‘the himself’ or ku kes ‘the thing’, according to whether it refers to the preceding [+human] or [-human] singular subject or object within the relative clause. Principle A cannot regulate the demonstrative anaphor ku casin. In this vein, it has been shown that the demonstrative anaphoric proform kes in HiRC constructions is compatible, even though it is not c-commanded by its precedent: that is, the demonstrative anaphoric kes in HiRC constructions is Principle A-free. While the donkey anaphora can appear as a pronominal in English, kes in HiRC constructions cannot be replaced by the third person pronoun. Unlike the noun or pronoun kes, kes in HiRC constructions can refer to the respected or the noble, since it can bear the same syntactic and semantic properties as its honorific precedent.


I. Introduction
 II. Demonstrative Anaphors
  1. Ku casin in the Dative Construction
  2. Ku casin in Kes-clefts
 III. Anaphoric Kes with Phi-Features and Semantic Contents
  1.1. Expletive?
  1.2. Kes with Phi-features
  1.3. Kes with Semantic Contents
 IV. Can Kes in HiRC Constructions Be Donkey Anaphora?
 V. Conclusion
 Works Cited


  • Lee, Doo-Won 이두원. Chungju National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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