

The Emergence of the Neo-American : Communication Anxiety in Native Speaker


Noh, Eun-Mi

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Language and communication are a conspicuous aspect of Native Speaker. In this sense, Native Speaker is a drama of communication. Various forms of communication are highlighted and dramatized in the novel. Chang-rae Lee presents his characters being placed in some type of communicative circumstances with language as a highly valued commodity. This paper examines Korean American protagonist, Henry Park’s communication anxiety and analyzes how it is figured in his formation of a new American self. Lee is “playing” with the word “native speaker” and he does not mean the word just literally. The author explains that his book asks a question as to what it means to be a “native speaker” in America. This paper argues that Lee is in effect questioning the ownership of language and culture in Native Speaker. Lelia, Henry’s wife’s declaration of her being the standard-bearer of the language and her reluctance to consider Henry “a native speaker” is also examined as an irony Lee intended in the book. As a native speaker and as the standard bearer, Lelia represents the white middle class American, whose invincible complacency is being searched out by neo-Americans like Henry. Henry, having mastered the language and the culture of America, emerges as a man who transcends ethnic boundaries and obstacles.


 Works Cited


  • Noh, Eun-Mi 노은미. Hallym University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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